Expanding with Intent; Connected to a Purpose

Teaching at a university in the heart of the Middle East gave me the chance to interact with a number of bright students and highly educated academics. With such a strong source of talent, I wondered why our top graduates chose work abroad rather than contributing to the region’s local economy.

Every time I received the same answer: the professional community thrived locally, yet struggled to communicate its ideas and opinions on a global scale. Motivated students were concerned that local firms lacked simple language skills to connect products and services with an expanding global market.

I left teaching and started an English training and copy writing company with the dual goals of improving the communication quality in our region’s businesses while improving the career opportunities for a new generation of ambitious youths.

Elder-Marini Group began modestly, but we quickly expanded our advisory services as an increasing number of clients requested our help in overseeing their day-to-day operations. Our initial success as well as the relationships we developed with many of the region’s leading companies allowed Elder-Marini Group to launch an investment unit that places a premium on long-term quality over short-term opportunism.

Today, Elder-Marini Group has clients throughout the Middle East, Europe, Asia and the United States, and includes multinational companies whose global presence depends on our expert language and advisory services.

But as we grow, we understand that the Middle East remains a place of both profitability and risk. Elder-Marini Group strives to improve the economy of the region and beyond by providing firms with clear and effective communication skills in order to increase the economic development and opportunity of the Middle East and beyond.